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January 11, 2021


Wondering what the difference is between microdosing truffles and microdosing Choco Bliss? There are many different plants that you can microdose. For example: Caapi (Ayahuasca extract), San Pedro, Ibogo, Cacao, truffles and Choco Bliss.

All these different plant medicines take you out of your head and into connection with your heart bringing you closer to yourself. Each plant has its own spirit and qualities. In this blog I am going to highlight 2 plants. Namely the microdosing of truffles and Choco Bliss.


By truffles and psylosobin I mean the same thing. The truffles contain the substance psylosobin and grow under the ground. The truffles are deeply connected to the wisdom of the earth. They grow in mold and grow through everything. They are extremely strong. Even on mold that arises in the dirtiest places.

The documentary “Fantastic Fungi” even shows psylosobin growing through oil. They can transform all life. With this, I want to indicate how incredibly powerful this spirit is. Since this spirit has great transformative power, it can also bring about transformation in us, humans. It gives insight, wisdom and helps you not to be too much in your head, but to come into your heart. Your true power lies hidden in your heart.

The psylosobin is a network underground that sends signals. Everything is connected and communicates with each other. The psylosobin has a masculine spirit and gives masculine qualities such as: focus, practical guidance in making choices and no distractions. The fungi in which the psylosobin grows is connected to trees that possess much wisdom. Psylosobin makes new neuro-connections so you can gradually change beliefs in your system.

Qualities of Truffles:

By truffles and psylosobin I mean the same thing. The truffles contain the substance psylosobin and grow under the ground. The truffles are deeply connected to the wisdom of the earth. They grow in mold and grow through everything. They are extremely strong. Even on mold that arises in the dirtiest places.

The documentary “Fantastic Fungi” even shows psylosobin growing through oil. They can transform all life. With this, I want to indicate how incredibly powerful this spirit is. Since this spirit has great transformative power, it can also bring about transformation in us, humans. It gives insight, wisdom and helps you not to be too much in your head, but to come into your heart. Your true power lies hidden in your heart.

The psylosobin is a network underground that sends signals. Everything is connected and communicates with each other. The psylosobin has a masculine spirit and gives masculine qualities such as: focus, practical guidance in making choices and no distractions. The fungi in which the psylosobin grows is connected to trees that possess much wisdom. Psylosobin makes new neuro-connections so you can gradually change beliefs in your system.

Choco Bliss

Choco Bliss is a very special medicine that you can’t buy anywhere else online, but from us. It is a unique plant alchemy created by a shaman who is very connected to the Incas, forest spirits and knows all about the plant world.

Choco Bliss has a feminine spirit and is truly the medicine of the heart. The beauty of it is that by taking Choco Bliss you make contact with different facets: the forest spirits, mother Ayahuasca and the wisdom of the Incas.

The Ceremonial Cocoa and the blend of 20 heart opening herbs encourage you in opening your heart. The Caapi helps you to be in the here & now and the psylosobin helps to operate in your psyche.

The Caapi Banisteriopsis is incorporated into this medicine so that the spirit of Mother Ayahuasca can be felt. She is the mother spirit of the jungle and has motherly qualities. It works well for coming home to your heart, finding your soul mission and improving your relationships. Sometimes you lose yourself and you can use motherly and loving help to reconnect with yourself.

Qualities of Choco Bliss

-Feminine qualities

-Opening the heart


-Improving your relationships

-Singing & dancing


-Soul mission

-Being in the here & now

-Connecting with your spirit

-Feeling better

-Spiritual guidance


My personal choice

I personally use the Choco Bliss to go on a deep journey. My personal dose then is between 2 to 4 chocolates. If I really want to go deep it could be 5. The truffles I like for microdoses. I am more in my feminine energy and can use the masculine qualities well. Being more earthy, getting things done and especially having focus. Personally, I always take a little less than the full dose of the truffles. I take them after my breakfast, so on a full stomach. The truffles are easier to dose and more practical to use.

When do I choose to microdose truffles? And when is it better for me to choose Choco Bliss?

It’s a personal choice. The plant is calling you. So, the plant by which you feel most drawn to is the plant you choose. What qualities are you better at using? Are you more in your masculine or in your feminine energy? The Choco Bliss gives you mostly feminine qualities and to be in touch with your emotions. The truffles give you more masculine, earthy, and practical qualities. Both help you to get out of your head and be more in touch with your heart.

Experience it for yourself?

Order microdosing truffles

Are you curious about what microdosing truffles can do for you and want to order your microdosing truffles? You can do so on our website. Click here to go to the page where you can order microdosing truffles.

Order microdosing Choco Bliss

Choco Bliss can be used for micro-dosing as well as for a deep inner, healing journey. Are you curious about what microdosing Choco Bliss can do for you and would you like to order your Choco Bliss? You can do so on our website. Click here to go to the page where you can order Choco Bliss.

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