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Self Love Challenge: Day 3: Self Acceptance

July 30, 2020



BONUS Exercise: Acceptance

Life is sometimes a bizarre reality. There is so much happening in a lifetime. Let alone in the world .. As I mention in the video ‘Nobody escapes pain in life’. If you are someone who would like to take an extra step in self-acceptance, I have written an extra bonus exercise for you below. This helps you to gain insights about your life, to accept acceptance and to take responsibility for your own happiness.

Step 1: What do you experience as difficult in your life?
Ask you: What is a difficult situation for you that you are currently dealing with? What are you suffering from? What is going on in your life that causes stress? What are you going to worry about? What can you not accept in your life? What causes unrest in your life? Write this as extensively as possible.

Step 2: Let go
Realize that you do not have influence everywhere, but how you deal with it. If you realize that you have an influence on the situation, take action as well. I am going to help you with a deeper understanding so that you can step into acceptance and possibly come to certain actions. Look at the situation (s) you have written down. Then divide this into the following three categories: do have control over, have a little control over, have no control over it at all.

Step 3: What do you decide?
What decisions do you make based on this insight? What actions do you take on the points where you have control? What do you do to go to acceptance? It is just as it is! Or can you still have influence?

Tip: What I do for pain that I have no influence on is simply sending love, burning a candle, incense incense and feeling good. Do not stay too long in the negative spiral. There is always a reason to live. Bring meaning into your life.

Suggestion: Exercise ‘Expressing Love’

We are busy this week with ‘Self Love’. Then it is also nice to realize who you love around you. Sometimes people come on your path that hit you. People who might have inspired that without it. Do these people know that too? I have a nice exercise for you. This consists of 2 parts. For optimal effect: First do part 1 and then read part 2.

Part 1: Which person means a lot to you or inspires you? Who has had an impact on your life recently or maybe a while ago? Who have you supported in a difficult period? Who makes your life a bit more beautiful? Who do you admire in your surroundings? Or is it perhaps someone who is a bit further away from you? Write this down and describe why this person means a lot to you or inspires you. Feel the love for this person while you write.

Part 2: Let this person know. Share what you have just written down with this person. It can be by e-mail or whatsapp, but maybe by phone is much more fun? You will see that when you give love you also receive this back.

Guided Visual Meditation: ‘Activate your Self Love’

Especially for this ‘Self Love Challenge’ I have created a guided meditation for you. This helps you to focus on your inner world. When you are at peace and in balance with yourself from within, you will also experience this in the World around you.

Make your inner world your first priority. You can do this meditation every day for the next 7 days to strengthen your self-love. Choose a nice, quiet place where you can sit or lie down. Both are allowed. As a starter maybe you prefer to just lie down, put on your headphone and be guided by my voice. All you have to do is just relax and listen to my words. Some people fall a sleep and that also just fine. The point is that you take time for yourself and you will go inside to activate your self-love.

Enjoy it! Love, Maria Johanna



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