About Mama Cacao
Mama Cacao is a beautiful product for Microdosing when you want to heal, strengthen female qualities, grow spiritually, and open your heart. Mama Cacao consists of two plant medicines, namely: Caapi Banisteriopsis and Ceremonial Cacao.
Plant spirits of Mama Cacao & Caapi Banisteriopsis is the carrier of the spirit of the Mother of the Jungle. It has the properties of possessing incredible wisdom. It opens your heart to reveal your wisdom and heal and transform yourself into a wiser and more mature version of yourself.
Natural MAO inhibitor (natural anti-depressant) Mama Cacao contains no active psychoactive substance. So you won’t trip on it and is specially developed for Microdosing purpose to achieve a gradual healing.
Caapi Banisteriopsis is a natural MAO inhibitor. This is also seen as a natural antidepressant. In the jungle of Brazil, I learned that they daily give a teaspoon of this to people with (heavy) depression.
Cacao is often referred to as the ultimate heart opener. Cacao is: loving, soft, improves your mood, relaxation, finding peace, brings you closer to yourself.
How to store? Stays good both inside and outside the refrigerator at room temperature.
Shelf life
The product does not spoil. We advise to use the product within 1 year after receipt.
Note! You cannot combine Mama Cacao with medication such as antidepressants or antipsychotics. If you use medication, always ask your treating doctor for advice on whether it goes along with a natural MAO inhibitor.