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Kambo & Ayahuasca Experience

July 31, 2020

Kambo & Ayahuasca Experience

Recently our Kambo & Ayahuasca Retreat took place. Wow! From my experience it was one of the best Retreats-Ever! In the video I share with you why this Retreat has been so good.

Want to know more about our Next Retreat?

Because the previous Kambo & Ayahuasca Retreat has been such a BIG SUCCESS we decided to organise more Retreats together. Do you want to know more about our Upcoming Retreat? Then click here to get in touch

Review Kambo & Ayahuasca Retreat

Thinking back to our Kambo & Ayahuasca Retreat brings a big smile to my face! The group was amazing!! And of course the transformations that took place. That is why we do this work. ????

It was the first time that I worked with Kerrie & Alice and that I offered the combination of Kambo & Ayahuasca together in one Retreat.

I can already tell you. It has been a big success so we decided to do more Retreats together. It has even been so successful that Kerrie & Alice decided to move from Portugal to Amsterdam. How crazy can life be!?! Haha!

In this blog I will explain more about the success of Kambo & Ayahuasca and I will give an impression of the atmosphere and experiences/testimonials of the people.

A Mixed Group of Participants

It was a very mixed group of participants. People came from different countries (Sweden, Norway, France, USA, Portugal, Ireland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Japan), with different backgrounds, ages, culture and each having their own personal challenge or life question. A large part of this group had to deal with deep depression, trauma or other pain. Some of them were more than 15 years in therapy. So the question: ‘What can ancient natural medicines do in this process?‘

Day 1: Kambo

What I loved so much about this Retreat that the first day brought this beautiful connection in the group. Kerrie & Alice took the time to let people connect with each other with different exercises.Not only that. They also helped a lot to become aware what the personal intention for the Kambo sessions. Their program has been incredibly valuable for everyone.

Kerrie & Alice take all the time to explain and prepare everyone well for the Kambo session and make you feel at ease.

You can also read this in the testimonials of the participants. You will find this when you scroll down on this page.

What did the Kambo session do for the People?

Kambo gives you a physical, emotional and spiritual detox. Kambo is already doing the first cleansing before you enter your Ayahuasca Ceremony. What did Kambo do for the people:

  • A Physical, emotional and spiritual detox
  • Liberation from inside
  • Giving more Strength
  • Release of sadness and old pains
  • Purifying your blood
  • Free feeling from inside
  • Activation of a Personal Power
  • Unbelievable sense of clarity
  • More self confidence
  • Peace in the mind
  • Cleaning your liver
  • More positive thoughts
  • Less fear for the Ayahuasca
  • Release of stress
  • More at ease to go into their Ayahuasca Ceremony
  • Easier to surrender
  • More trust in themselves and the process

Day 2: First Ayahuasca Ceremony

The Kambo medicine gave a big contribution to the people at the first day. That’s why they were more relaxed going into their Ayahuasca journey. We had a good rest the night before and the connection in the group made people feel more at ease.Stil as usual some people had to go through some difficulties. Other people had a party all night or went straight to heaven. Ayahuasca will give you what you need.

Day 3: Second Ayahuasca Ceremony

The second ceremony is always better than the first day. People are more relaxed, there is less expectation, more unity in the group, people are more at ease and so you can go deeper. Also in this ceremony. You come more to the essence of your healing process. We closed both ceremonies by dancing and celebrating life together. Great to see everyone so happy ????

We Became as Family

We started this Retreat as strangers and at the end of this Retreat it felt like family. What a transformations these days… So much Love.. And what a beautiful connection in the group. It’s not just the ceremonies itself. The peace and deep conversations with other like-minded people is also very healing.

What did this Retreat do for the People?

What did this Retreat bring to the participants? One thing is for sure; We are still in contact with each other and some made friends for life. Also a couple made a deep transformation in their love relationship. So the first is a wonderful connection with each other! And what else:

  • Healthier lifestyle
  • Deepening relationships with family, friends, parents and children
  • Inner peace
  • Healing of trauma
  • Less fear
  • More awareness of what really matters in life
  • Answers to Life questions
  • Removing blockages
  • Inner liberation
  • More Self-love
  • Physical cleaning
  • Release of stress
  • A Deeper in connection with nature
  • Better relationships their children
  • More trust in life

Ervaringen/Testimonials van deelnemers

Johan thulin uit Zweden
The change is so huge so that I must call it a miracle. I love that you will work more with Alice and Kerrie. You make a great team and I think it’s going to feel very good for you. You take on so much Maria, I saw that. And they will support you a lot ????

Dewi Huibers uit Nederland
These ladies made me feel safe. They took time to be in alignment with the personal needs and inner quests of the group. Their guidance was so supportive, loving and caring.

I wish for everyone to have a wonderful Kambo/Ayahuasca experience like that! I’m still integrating my insights, but when the insights and unfolding lead me to a new riping Lifetheme layer, I would definitely return to join the ceremonies of these 3 ladies and team!

Helen Bevan uit de UK
I can’t put in to words how much this journey has helped me. It has been the most life changing, powerful, positive, transformative experience I have ever gone through. Maria and her team could not have been more welcoming, caring and supportive . I can’t thank them enough for their healing, comforting and guideance.

Kees van Oostenrijk uit Nederland
The Kambo had the effect of a huge cleaning up on me. It brought a sense of peace, love and clarity and was good preparation for the Ayahuasca.

In addition, this time I could just as well jump into the credibility of my mind and hook into heavy themes such as guilt, betrayal, inadequacy, shame and punishment, in short everything inclusive. I am once more aware of how important the good guidance has been in this ceremonies. Thanks.

Patricia Jiminez uit Spanje
I know everything is a process and everything comes at the right moment. The plant called me on two previous occasions when I was in South America.

I’m glad, I could not attend these opportunities, since experiencing the Ayahuasca Ceremony with Maria Johanna and her team was wonderful! I feel deeply grateful. The atmosphere was amazing with the music, the scents and the candles. All beautiful, every detail was accurate for what I had to live, learn and feel.

A very beautiful day to all you champs and connected souls.The weeks after Ayahuasca I became a greater version of myself BIGTIME. My intentions are reality now. I am superhealthy since Ayahuasca, i didn’t sport a lot before, I went to bed late, I was smoking, sometimes still drinking some alcohol. What now: I am going to bed almost every day before 11pm. I wake up around 6/7 am, I go running, swimming, sauna every morning. I quit smoking, I quit drinking any alcohol, I am VEGAN now, almost no sugar.

Thanks again all for this amazing experience EVERYONE
I wish you all the veryvery best and please create all your own perfect reality

Mirjam Knots uit Nederland
Dear Maria, I can’t find the words to express how much the Kambo & Ayahuasca Ceremonies , the love, the warmth, the love and everything around it has meant for me. I feel so much. There has come so much peace. The have seen the sun has rising again and I have felt it. In, for sure, 15 years I haven’t felt like this. So tremendously much love and acceptance. So special. A new beginning. The sun has rised. Thank yo uso much.

Cyrielle Goufier uit Frankrijk
I want to thank you all of you for being so lovely and especially you Maria. My heart is so grateful. I understand now that past is past and everything happened for a lesson. I also forgived myself for being so rude against myself during this years.


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