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What is the Difference Between Microdosing Truffles, Soul Present, and Choco Bliss?

March 14, 2022

What is the Difference Between Microdosing Truffles, Soul Present, and Choco Bliss?

In this post, I’ll compare different plant medicines for microdosing: the truffles, Soul Present (the capsules and drops), and Choco Bliss. I’ll explain their differences and how to know which one is right for you.

Microdosing Truffles

These raw truffles contain psilocybin. It’s a very masculine spirit – very down-to-earth and focused. It’s great for getting things done. It can be an effective concentration tool, but it can also help heal depression and more emotional problems as well.

However, people don’t always like the taste, especially when doing it over a long period of time. It is, however, the strongest of all Microdosing products that we now offer. So are you looking for something strong? Then Microdosing Truffles is the best choice.

Microdosing Soul Present Drops

We developed Soul Present as an alternative for people who wanted to microdose the truffles, but who didn’t like the taste of them. Some people also didn’t like the trippy feeling the truffles gave them, which is why the psychoactive substance is taken out of the drops.

Soul Present is made from the spirit of the San Pedro cactus, which balances masculine and feminine energies. It’s an excellent sleep aid, so we recommend taking them at night.

Microdosing Soul Present Capsules

The Soul Present capsules still contain the psychoactive substance from the San Pedro cactus. They have balanced masculine and feminine energies. I recommend taking them in the evening.

More so than the Soul Present drops, the capsules are effective for helping you enter your unconscious mind. They’re often used to delve into childhood trauma for deep healing.

Microdosing Choco Bliss

Choco Bliss is my new product with a handful of unique benefits. It has a unique, great taste, which makes it easier to take than the truffles.

However, it also contains a psychoactive substance – which some people like and some people don’t. Choco Bliss has a more intense trippy feeling than the Soul Present capsules. It’s the best option for you if you want the trippy effect without the taste of the truffles.

Which One is Right for Me?

Ultimately, this is your decision. The truffles contain more masculine energy, Soul Present is more androgynous, and Choco Bliss is more feminine. It all depends on what you need and what you feel called to. As with all plant medicine, what matters is what you feel called to.

If you feel drawn to microdosing and need more support, we offer an online program where we guide you through the process of microdosing for 1 month.

What matters most is feeling what is calling you. And, of course, enjoying yourself!

Want to know more about Microdosing Choco Bliss?

Are you curious to know more about Microdosing Choco Bliss? And do you want to learn more about Microdosing Choco Bliss? Visit the page about Microdosing Choco Bliss. You can learn more here and order the Microdosing Choco Bliss.

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