
Choco Bliss

Choco Bliss is a unique ceremonial cacao chocolate that brings numerous benefits. It helps you reconnect with yourself, find inner peace, gain insight, and tap into your potential.

We provide an online video training and ebook to guide you through setting up your own home ceremony. Discover the transformative power of Choco Bliss today.

#1 What is Choco Bliss?

Choco Bliss is a plant medicine based on Ceremonial cacao to heal your soul. Sometimes talking, therapy and coaching don’t go as deep as we need te heal ourselves in order to grow.

You can decide to use Choco Bliss in a Ceremonial setting or for Microdosing purposes. Microdosing Choco Bliss means to take a micro dosis of Choco Bliss for a period of time (1 to 3 months) for daily benefits and a gradual healing.

#1 Why Choco Bliss?

Everyone has a different and personal reasons for stepping into a Choco Bliss ceremony. You will feel called or curious about it. That’s the calling to invite you to go within.

We can’t repeat it enough: It gives you what you need in the moment. You will feel when you are ready to step into ceremony space with this special medicine. For some people it’s a ‘once in a lifetime experience’, for others the medicine is calling them serval times.

#3 What benefits can Choco Bliss bring?

Most people do a Choco Bliss Ceremony to go out of their heads and into their hearts. Choco Bliss takes you on a personal inner journey. You can see the spirits of the plants as your teacher.

Choco Bliss can give you insights, wisdom, joy, peace, visions and more. It’s not what you are hoping for and that can be the lesson. It’s about surrendering & trusting the medicines.

Do you recognise this?

  • You wish to connect more with yourself
  • You’ve heard a lot about Plant Medicines and now you’ve gotten curious
  • You want to get closer to yourself and live life to the fullest
  • Are you searching and you looking for answers?
  • You feel stuck and want to get out of your head
  • You feel like there is another mission waiting for you and you want to find out what it is?
  • You feel like there is more potential in yourself and that there is more to life?
  • Do you feel the calling of the Plant Medicines?
  • You are looking to find out who you really are?
  • You don’t feel comfortable in your own skin and you are curious if Plant Medicines can help you find out?
  • You have considered to do Ayahuasca, but that seems too intense?

‘The only journey is the one within.’

What do you receive when you order choco bliss?

  • Chocolates in the desired amount

    We sell Choco Bliss in portions of 10. You can choose to order from 10 pieces up to 100 pieces. *We automatically give you discount if you order more.

  • Free Video Training "How do you create your own home ceremony with Choco Bliss?

    Discover the transformative power of plant medicine and learn how to work with Choco Bliss in our comprehensive online course. Our course includes 20+ videos that cover everything you need to know about this ancient practice, which was traditionally passed down from generation to generation.

    With our online training, you can learn these practices in a modern and convenient way. Our videos provide in-depth knowledge and guidance to help you develop your skills and deepen your understanding of Choco Bliss and plant medicine.

    Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, you’ll find our online course to be engaging, informative, and insightful. Join us today and unlock the full potential of Choco Bliss and plant medicine.

  • E-book with manual Microdosing Choco Bliss

    Our comprehensive e-book offers everything you need to know about preparing for your Choco Bliss ceremonies. You’ll find information on the best practices for setting up your ceremony, as well as important guidelines for dosage and to ensure that your home ceremony is both effective and where you feel safe.

    Our e-book is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in working with Choco Bliss and wants to make the most of their home ceremonies. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced practitioner, our e-book provides practical tips and insights that can help you deepen your practice and achieve transformative results.

    Discover how to create the perfect atmosphere for your ceremony and learn how to prepare for the most powerful and effective experience possible. Get started today and unlock the full potential of Choco Bliss in the comfort of your own home.

  • Access to our Online Community

    Do you enjoy connecting with other Choco Bliss users? We offer an online community where you can ask your questions, share your doubts and of course exchange experiences. Feel welcome to connect.

Packages and Prices


About the delivery
All our packages are packed by us with care, love and a lot of attention. Shipping is done with PostNL and DHL (express). All packages fit in the letterbox and yet it sometimes happens that PostNL and DHL (express) do not deliver the packages correctly. This depends on which country we deliver to. Each area may have different delivery terms. Sometimes extra costs are charged by the delivery person.

We can not guarantee the way the package will be delivered as we outsource this. The same applies to the delivery time, when the delivery takes place and whether you have to be present at home or have to sign for receipt. After your order you will receive a track & trace code. If you have not received this, please check your spam or junk email. We do not have a physical store where you can pick up our products.

Choco Bliss Experiences from others

Letting go of baggage and coming to my essence

When I was finally able to let go, I could finally enjoy myself. I was able to release baggage from the past by crying, could only start my real journey. That was really great. In that, it seemed as if I was carried by the spirits of the plants. I have received many insights about my future and my mission in life. A very valuable experience full of emotion, insights and healing.


Coming to peace with the past & purpose

Choco Bliss gave me confronting insights that I could immediately work with. In 3 months’ time so much has changed. Where I used to be a control freak, I am now able to face life in peace and full of confidence. Meanwhile I have done several ceremonies that have all brought me exactly what I needed. Certainly, also on the path of living my Purpose. Very grateful. Very grateful.

Larissa Berrenchina


How would it be like if you no longer would live from just your intellect mind, but instead would live from your heart, regardless of the opinion or reaction of another. How would it be like if there is an opportunity that helps you break through blockages and free yourself inwardly so that you can really be yourself and live your life to the fullest? In the video below you will learn more about Choco Bliss and how it can help your in order to come closer to yourself.

How does choco bliss help you?

Choco Bliss helps you to open your heart, get closer to yourself and become more who you really are. Choco Bliss gives you what you need in that moment. It is not always what you want or expect, but in the end you will see that it is exactly what helped you further in your journey.

Choco Bliss can help with a wide variety of challenges and sometimes people just feel a call to do a ceremony, without any specific reason.

Choco Bliss can help if you feel stuck in your life, or feel like you are searching, when you don’t feel comfortable with yourself and if you want to get closer to yourself. Everyone has a challenge in their life, gets stuck or are looking for answers.

What is choco bliss?

Choco Bliss is a new, original & unique medicine for the soul. A Choco Bliss ceremony makes it possible to make a deep inner journey that can support you tremendously in your life. It helps you with insights, awakening, healing from the past or pain in the present and to develop more self-love. Plant medicine ceremonies help you to come to peace with your past and to face the future from your personal strengths.

What can choco bliss bring you?

Choco Bliss gives you what you need. It’s a very personal experience. Below you can read a list of examples of what other Choco Bliss users have experienced.

  • Get closer to yourself
  • Open your heart
  • Discover your soul purpose
  • Quitting behaviours / relationships that no longer serve you
  • Feel better in your own skin
  • Healing trauma
  • Come to peace with the past
  • To get out of your head
  • Greater understanding & acceptance for life
  • Find inner peace
  • Helps to make the right choices
  • De-stress
  • Connecting with who you really are

More Choco Bliss Experiences

‘ Through the pain ’

Sometimes you have to go through pain to eventually find your healing. My ceremony made me realize that pain just wants to be felt and that eventually it will end. Choco Bliss and also other plant medicines have helped me tremendously to remember who I am and how life works. Sometimes it seems like a struggle, but in essence, life is something very beautiful that we can be very grateful for.


‘a journey about you to finally realize ’everything is okay as it is.’’

The plants take you on an inner journey. It was like getting on a train that took me through my own life. I went past little stations in myself to do inner work. At every station you have something to do. Sometimes you pass by something too quickly, other times you just come to experience a piece of joy or love. You do not have to be afraid, because it is all about you, so you know it already. It has helped me to let go of things, which has brought me closer to myself.


’Your vision will become clear only when you can look into. … Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens’
– Carl Jung

What other people say

Consciously looking at yourself and inner change

Through my inner journey, I became aware of certain beliefs that I had been carrying for a long time that I realized “Do I want to believe this any longer? The ceremony helped me to change these. I have also been able to live through old emotions and let them go. This has led to an inner liberation that I would like to grant to everyone. A life changing effect from within.


Unreal. I have experienced infinite love.

This was my first experience with plant medicine. Used drugs in the past, but this is something completely different! in one word ‘Unreal!’ A spiritual experience that you cannot explain in words. It’s something to experience. I’ve always felt there was more. This experience has made me experience what I have always suspected. I have experienced an infinite source of love without fear where there is no judgment.


Choco bliss: Did you know?


About maria johanna

My name is Maria Johanna and I am the founder of House of Oneness. Since 2013 I have stepped into the world of Plant Medicines and it has turned my world upside down. In the beginning I struggled to really follow up the guidance from my ceremonies. The first big step was to adopt my birth names. I went from Mariette Schouten to “Maria Johanna”. This choice led to a whole new life that started in Bali. The perfect place to start a new life. There I started talking on YouTube about Plant Medicines and Spirituality. A year later, I started to work with Plant Medicine Ceremonies in the Netherlands. I have made several trips to Peru and Brazil to learn more about Plant Medicines. I have also worked a lot in Ibiza and especially in the Netherlands. I have experience in religious, therapeutic and shamanic ceremonies with various Plant Medicine ceremonies. Think of: Ayahuasca, Kambo, San Pedro, Rapé, Cacao Bufo Alvarius, Truffles, Mushrooms and of course Choco Bliss. Choco Bliss has been exclusively developed for House of Oneness. We are the only supplier of this special healing Plant Medicine that can be used for home ceremonies. We also offer guided ceremonies. This choice led to a whole new life that started in Bali. The perfect place to start a new life. There I started talking on YouTube about Plant Medicines and Spirituality. A year later, I started to work with Plant Medicine Ceremonies in the Netherlands.

I have made several trips to Peru and Brazil to learn more about Plant Medicines. I have also worked a lot in Ibiza and especially in the Netherlands. I have experience in religious, therapeutic and shamanic ceremonies with various Plant Medicine ceremonies. Think of: Ayahuasca, Kambo, San Pedro, Rapé, Cacao Bufo Alvarius, Truffles, Mushrooms and of course Choco Bliss. Choco Bliss has been exclusively developed for House of Oneness. We are the only supplier of this special healing Plant Medicine that can be used for home ceremonies. We also offer guided ceremonies.



Choco Bliss can provide support with:

  • Getting out of your head and into your heart
  • Finding a deeper Life Mission
  • Healing trauma
  • Loneliness
  • Uncertainty
  • Depression
  • Burnout
  • Stress
  • Fears
  • Relationship problems
  • Problems with menstruation
  • Libido problems
  • Deep Inner Work
  • Self-understanding
  • Find Purpose
  • Finding understanding & acceptance
  • Release blockages
  • Self-love Processing
  • Grief
  • Healing
  • Spiritual growth
  • Making choices from your heart


Choco Bliss helps you open your heart and the portal to your soul. It expands your awareness so that can step into a greater potential of yourself. By increasing your awareness you experience more of who you are. It helps you to look at your life and your problems from a different perspective so that you can find more acceptance and inner peace.


  • Provide a safe setting
  • Create a ceremonial setting by means of an altar
  • On your altar you can use the following elements: candles, gems, fresh flowers, pictures of Gurus and / or loved ones, jewelry, feathers, statues, incense with holder and other treasured items.
  • Use intention or angel cards if necessary
  • Use intention or angel cards if necessary
  • Cleanse your auric field with Palo Santo
  • Use Maria Johanna’s aura Spray before and after your ceremony for protection

* You can choose to order the Ceremony kit if you don’t have it at home. You will receive a description and a music playlist for your ceremony from us after you have placed your order.


Ceremoniekit by
Maria johanna

Important for creating a safe setting is cleaning your space, your aura and protecting your energy. That is why we have put together a ceremony kit with the basic elements you need.

The Ceremony Kit consists of 3 elements. These are White Sage, Palo Santo and the Maria Johanna Aura Spray.

You use the White Sage to clean your ceremony space. You use the Palo Santo to cleanse your own energy (aura field). You use the Maria Johanna Aura Spray in advance to protect your energy field during your ceremony. But it is also super nice to use during your ceremony and especially afterwards. After your ceremony, the Maria Johanna Aura Spray has the function of closing you off and returning to earth. The Maria Johanna Aura Spray consists of an age-old recipe from the jungle, but now given a modern twist. Definitely recommended to use during the ceremony, but also on a normal weekday when you want to protect your energy field or want to smell good.

‘When Choco Bliss is calling you,
you better listen.’


Would you like to know more about Choco Bliss? What it is? What it can do for you? How do you set up a ceremony? What are the 3 phases of a Ceremony? Are you curious about the experiences of others? Do you want to know how you can protect yourself during your Ceremony? Leave your name & email here and learn more about Choco Bliss.


Please note: House of Oneness does not hold itself responsible for the information in this Q&A, we only give advice from our own experience and that of experts. If you are on medication or suffering from serious mental health issues, we always recommend consulting a doctor first.

If you have any questions, feel welcome to ask your personal question through our contact form.

Frequently asked Questions

The chocolates don’t spoil. However, we recommend using it within 1 year.

This depends on the dose and how sensitive you are to the Plant Medicine. On average, it takes 4 to 6 hours.

This also depends on how many Chocolates you eat. In any case, the effect always disappears. As professional guides, we gradually build up the dose and know when we can give more and in what quantity.

The dose you take does not depend on your body, height or how fat or slim you are. This is something that involves feeling and experience. Some people are already satisfied with 1 chocolate. Others still don’t feel anything after 4 chocolates. On average, people take 3 to 4 chocolates per ceremony. The duration of the ceremony is often 6 hours. If you travel on 1 or 2 chocolates, the duration is usually around 4 hours. If you order the Choco Bliss, there is a description of this in your confirmation email. If you do Choco Bliss under supervision, you do not have to worry about this. We will guide you in this process. We will guide you in this process.

If you eat more than 5 or 6 chocolates you can lose control. You are guided by the spirits of the plants. They let you experience what you need at that moment.

Yes. You open a portal to greater potential and can experience yourself as a multi-dimensional being. You are in connection with other dimensions, but you are also fully aware of the earthly reality and how everything works. This is just like Ayahuasca. Only here you have more control in general.

Although you do not have to follow such a strict diet, we still recommend eating as plant-based as possible three days before your ceremony. Skip your coffee for a few days, don’t eat meat and it’s important not to eat 3 hours before your ceremony. If we start the ceremony at 7 PM, you will stop eating at 4 PM.

You don’t necessarily have to have an intention to do Choco Bliss. I myself have stepped openly into a ceremony many times and my intention was ‘Give me what I need.’ However, an intention can have a strong influence on your journey. My personal experience is that with Choco Bliss the effect of your intention is stronger than with Ayahuasca.

I personally think it’s a big advantage that you don’t get sick, don’t have any physical discomforts such as: puking and diarrhea. The taste is delicious and you also have more influence on your trip. This makes it such a great tool to use to get answers to your questions and to find specific healing.

Choco Bliss is a unique alchemy of plants and a wonderful medicine that targets the heart. it has a very beautiful, soft spirit that lovingly takes you on a journey.

Yes, that’s possible. You can order your own Choco Bliss via this link. You can also order the Ceremony Kit so that you have all the supplies to set up your home ceremony safely.

The Maria Johanna Ceremony Kit consists of White Sage to cleanse your space, Palo Santo to cleanse your aura field, Maria Johanna aura spray to protect you in advance of your journey. The Maria Johanna Ceremony Kit consists of White Sage to cleanse your space, Palo Santo to cleanse your aura field, Maria Johanna aura spray to protect you in advance of your journey. That’s the basic Ceremony kit.

You also have a more extensive Ceremony kit. This also incense with an incense holder for the fine scent and you will receive a rose quartz crystal gemstone for your altar. The rose quartz is the stone of love and peace and has a soft and loving energy. She opens the Heart Chakra and teaches you to reconnect with your feelings. This fits perfectly with the Choco Bliss.

There are many differences between Ayahuasca and Choco Bliss. A practical difference between the Ayahuasca & Choco Bliss is that the Choco Bliss has a nice taste, that you generally do not get sick from the Choco Bliss and you do not have to puke from Choco Bliss.

Then about the different functioning. Choco Bliss was developed as a medicine for the heart. Today also the Cacao and the blend of 20 herbs that are processed in the Choco Bliss.

Experienced during a Choco Bliss you generally have more control over your journey than in your Ayahuasca Ceremony. However, this depends on the dose you take. For example, if you start your Choco Bliss Ceremony with taking 6 chocolates, the experience comes close to Ayahuasca. The spirit of the Banisteriopsis caapi can be found in both the Ayahuasca and the Choco Bliss.

The similarity is 1 plant and that is the Banisteriopsis caapi. This is also used to make Ayahuasca. The Shamans in the Amazon also call this plant Ayahuasca. This plant is just legal to use. There is no DMT in the Choco Bliss. DMT use is prohibited in most countries.

The chocolates don’t spoil. However, we advise you to use them within 1 year. Always keep them in the refrigerator.


We are not giving away the exact recipe. But the ingredients are ceremonial Cacao, Psilocybin, herbs to open your heart and the Caapi plant.

A Bad Trip is a panicky reaction or resisting what is happening. This can occur. That is why we also offer guided ceremonies. That way we can guide you through this. Often it is a matter of being reassured, feeling safe and surrendering. Therefore, always create a safe environment and do not resist what presents itself.

It is because people feel no effect from Choco Bliss. It may depend on the dosage. It may depend on the dosage.. Sometimes people wait too long with the next Chocolate. Leave about 1 hour in between. Sometimes people have too high expectations and they have no experience. This is disappointing and then it’s the lesson ‘How do you deal with this?’ It doesn’t happen very often, but it sure can happen. We recommend that you do not weigh in and plan a new ceremony. There is a lesson in all experiences.

This depends on the amount you take. With Microdosing you want to function normally in your daily life. When you decide to do a ceremony with Choco Bliss, you want to go inside and go on an inner journey. This means that you prepare well and use your Choco Bliss in a ceremonial way to go deep inside and experience a stronger effect of the medicine. It is also optional to use Choco Bliss for microdosing. If you use Choco Bliss for Microdosing, use 1/4 or even less. When using Choco Bliss for an inner journey, the average use is 3-4 chocolates.

If you use Choco Bliss for Microdosing, use 1/4 or even less. When using Choco Bliss for an inner journey, the average use is 3-4 chocolates. This is all described in our Choco Bliss E-book that you will receive when you order Choco Bliss.

Houd 45 tot 60 minuten tussen het ene en het volgende chocolaatje.

Ayahuasca and Choco Bliss are both plants that open your consciousness and heal you from within to transform your life. Another agreement between Ayahuasca and Choco Bliss is a same plant that is used in both recipes. This is called the Amazonian vine; Banisteriopsis caapi. This is also used to make Ayahuasca. The Shamans in the Amazon also call this plant Ayahuasca.

In general, you just feel good the day after your ceremony and have full energy to get through your day. It is of course possible that you slept briefly, but you have also done inner work that you can give time to process.

We always recommend taking time for yourself the day after your ceremony. Do not schedule appointments, do not go to work, but take the rest. For example, take a walk through nature or take time to write down your insights.

You won’t have a hangover the day after your ceremony. Every now and then we hear an exception from people who, for example, have a headache the day after their ceremony. This could be because you didn’t drink enough during your ceremony. So our advice is to drink during your ceremony. Either way, give yourself time the day after the ceremony to recover and not have to do anything.

No, you’re not going to throw up from the Choco Bliss. If you are the one exception, don’t worry. Suppose you are going to vomit so that the medicine clears something from your system.

No. Not generally. Sometimes you do feel a bit nauseous because your body has to get used to shifting to a higher frequency. Don’t worry if you feel a little sick or nauseous. This is more the exception than the rule. In general, people do not get sick during their Choco Bliss experience.

This is something we get back very often as feedback about Choco Bliss. Especially when microdosing. This is because Choco Bliss brings you more to your heart and calms your mind. Less thoughts and more coming into your heart brings inner peace.

Choco Bliss may be able to help you face and resolve blockages.

Hell yes. This works with telepathic communication. You send out a question through your energy and intent and receive the answer back in the energy. When you are in your ceremony, you understand this naturally.

No. Choco Bliss is not addictive.

Yes. You can take Choco Bliss when you are sad? Several people have taken Choco Bliss during grief counseling. Sometimes people come into contact with the spirit of the deceased. We cannot guarantee this, but you can always ask the spirits of the plant. Keep in mind that grief may be magnified during your ceremony. And remember; crying is the washing machine of the soul.

Yes. You can take Choco Bliss when you are sad. Just like with grieving. Keep in mind that grief may be magnified during your ceremony. And remember; crying is the washing machine of the soul.

This is just how you feel. Many people do several ceremonies in a short time and then leave it quiet for a while. You can do 2 ceremonies in a row. Or a weekly ceremony for 4 weeks. It’s just how you feel. We do say that the spirits call you automatically. Also know that it is not addictive. You look for healing and the truth in yourself.

This is very personal. Follow your feelings in this too. If you’re doing a ceremony at home, don’t do it with too many people. This can get messy if, for example, some people want to talk and others want to go in quietly.

We see that many people who order the Choco Bliss prefer to do a ceremony themselves. Others feel safer to be together and yet another group wants to have professional guidance during his or her inner journey. It is also possible that they want to go deeper and prefer to be in the company of professional guidance. It’s what you like and what suits you.

Everyone reacts differently to Choco Bliss. Some people have enough with 1 chocolate. Some people have enough with 1 chocolate. We advise to start with 0.5 or 1 chocolate and feel every hour whether you want to take more. You can build this up to 4 chocolates, for example. That is average, but there is no standard. Get to know the medicine and discover your perfect dose.

Yes, you can.

No. We do not recommend eating during your ceremony. This reduces the effect of the drug. That is why we also recommend not to eat 3 hours before the ceremony. When your trip becomes less, you can just eat. We recommend eating light. Think fruit, soup, but it can’t hurt if you just eat a sandwich. If you are hungry, eat what you like.

No. It happens that people don’t get what they want. Then they label this as a negative experience. It also happens that people resist what the plant shows. This is also seen as a negative experience. Remember you get what you need. The integration is very important. There are also people who have a very mild to no experience. We always recommend to handle the Chocolates with care. So don’t suddenly eat 10 chocolates. This is all in the description after your order.

Yes, that’s possible. I wrote a blog about this where I explain more. Clickhere to read it.

No. We do not recommend eating during your ceremony. This reduces the effect of the drug. That is why we also recommend not to eat 3 hours before the ceremony. When your trip becomes less, you can just eat. We recommend eating light. Think fruit, soup, but it can’t hurt if you just eat a sandwich. If you are hungry, eat what you like.

Choco Bliss can be a great tool for learning to let go of control and to get out of your head and into your heart. If you’re scared to surrender, build it up slowly. First take 0.5 or 1 Chocolate and keep it there. Next time you can take a higher dose and go deeper inside. For some people 0.5 or 1 Chocolates does not give a noticeable effect.

Yes. Choco Bliss is a psychedelic drug. Not everyone has a visual effect, but most people do have a visual effect.

You can use Bach flower rescue spray. I’m not saying this will work right away, but it could potentially reduce travel. Other things are using water and lemon. Be careful with food when you are in the journey. This can cause you to vomit.

Generally not, but there are a few exceptions. Let’s say that when drinking Ayahuasca the change in vomiting is 75% change. With Choco Bliss the change is about 5%

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