-You want to get more out of yourself and life.
You live too much in your head and don’t know how to get to your heart.
-You don’t take the time to really stand still, but know that it will be good for you.
-You feel searching, but you have no idea what.
-Rationally many things are in order and yet something is missing.
-You ask yourself ‘Is this it now?’
There’s more in you, but it won’t come out.
-You want to get more out of yourself, but how?
-You want to work in an authentic way that suits you.
-You have a great interest & curiosity for personal development towards spirituality.
-There’s something pulling you, as if it’s time to find what really fulfills your heart & soul.
-You believe in following your heart, only you do not have a clear idea of what this actually means for you.
-You are sometimes afraid to really step into your feelings.
You let limiting beliefs hold you back and want to break through them.
You feel you want things differently, but you don’t have the strength yet to actually do it.
-Je voelt wel dat je dingen anders wilt, maar je hebt de kracht nog niet om het daadwerkelijk te doen.