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Podcast #5 Never heard before Ayahuasca Career from another side

augustus 17, 2021

Podcast #5 Never heard before Ayahuasca Career from another side

Working with Plant Medicine is not an easy journey. Maybe you would expect it to be only beauty. I can wake you up from this dream. It’s not.

The journey of working with Ayahuasca is the most wonderful journey I can imagine, but it has been giving me a lot of challenges. How else can you/I be strong enough to stand tall for this mission?

In this Podcast I am sharing my story on traveling to Brazil to learn more about Ayahuasca.

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Choco Bliss

This is my own unique plant medicine that you can use to set up your own home ceremony or book a guided ceremony. I love to share with you in order to heal, grow, expand, awake and become more af who you are. Would you like to know more about Choco Bliss? Visit our page about Choco Bliss and learn more about Choco Bliss.

Microdosing Truffles

Microdosing can give great support on a daily basis like; healing, concentration, focus, creativity and more. Would you like to know more about Microdosing Truffels? Visit our page about Microdosing Truffles and learn more about Microdosing Truffles.

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