Over Maria
Deze auteur heeft zijn bio nog niet geschreven.
Maar we zijn trots te kunnen melden dat Maria al 256 heeft bijgedragen.
Artikelen door Maria
Podcast #11 How to implement your Choco Bliss of Ayahuasca insight into your life?
/0 Reacties/in Ayahuasca, Podcast/door MariaHouse of Oneness
Microdosing: How to get started? What to expect? and more!
/0 Reacties/in Ayahuasca/door MariaPodcast #9 Microdosing: How to get started? What to expect? and more! Some people ara afraid of going on a deep inner journey with plant medicine. Microdosing is a great solution. Because plant medicine heal on different levels: body mind and soul, it’s very powerful and transforming. By starting with Microdosing, you experience a gradual […]