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Podcast #4 ‘Guiding my own Father and sisters in Ayahuasca.’

juni 3, 2021

Podcast #4 ‘Guiding my own Father and sisters in Ayahuasca.’

When family member drink Ayahuasca, it effects everyone. In my first episode I share about the challenges that I have had with my father. How special is it to guide my own father in an Ayahuasca Ceremony? I’ll tell you more about this in this Podcast!

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Guiding my father during his Ayahuasca Ceremony

When I started working with Ayahuasca and organising Ceremonies he saw that people where very happy with my work. My father kept saying ‘Maybe I should do Ayahuasca too?’ . When this happened for the third time, I gave him a date. He said: ‘No problem, I will be there!’

My father kept saying ‘Maybe I should do Ayahuasca too?’

The Big Day

My father arrived joined a ceremony where the participants had a lot of challenged to overcome. In the introduction round there where many emotional stories and serval people cried while telling their story.

My Fathers introduction

My father was sitting with his arms wrapped over each other, he was chilled and relaxed when he shared his story: ‘I am the father of Maria Johanna and I like discover what this is and if it works for me as well.’ The whole group was impressed that my own father joined this ceremony. A simple Dutch man, who wasn’t spiritual at all. Instead a down-to-earth man who was curious what his daughter was doing and why the people were so enthusiastic about my work. He said ‘If have been through many challenges in my life, so I am curious what this can bring.’

‘If have been through many challenges in my life, so I am curious what this can bring.’

First round did not do it

The first round of Ayahuasca did not really had an effect. My father told me ‘I will wait for ten minutes or else I just step into the car and I’ll go home.’ I was laughing inside myself I thought: “You don’t step into the car when Ayahuasca is in your system.’ My father took a second round of Ayahuasca and very soon something started to happen.

I was laughing inside myself I thought: “You don’t step into the car when Ayahuasca is in your system.’

When it started

I was outside the ceremony room when one of my team members telling me to come check my father. At that moment I was just helping a lady who was crying so loud that it was disturbing the rest of the group. I calmed her down in a separate ceremony room. She needed me, but after that I went into the ceremony room where my father was. I saw a man laying on the mattress clearly having a good time.

I was outside the ceremony room when one of my team members telling me to come check my father.

Couldn’t stop

He had a smile from ear to ear that later on transformed into laugher. His laugher was smooth and entertaining. It brought a beautiful contrast in the group. This entertaining laugher went on for four hours. Until his journey was over.

Becoming the conductor of the Universe

Next to the laugher, he merged with the music and became the conductor of the Universe. The plants learned him that everything is frequency and that The Universe is one verse of music in oneness. I would call this a spiritual awakening. But I guess this is not how he would explain it himself.

The plants learned him that everything is frequency and that The Universe is one verse of music in oneness.

Earth is like a Theater

He saw that life is like a theater. We are all playing a role and everything in life has a cycle. Sometimes you are playing a big role in the spotlights. At other points you are playing a role in the background. All the roles do matter: big or small and here you learn and grow as a human being.

Family in ceremony

He saw me showing up in ceremony and could love about our relationship. He saw me with different man playing around and could see the humor of this. If you listened to my first Podcast this makes sense. Also my mother showed up as the love of his life. He saw her sitting on a throne. His heart was overwhelmed with love for his wive and he enjoyed it fully with laughter.


There was just one warning that the plants gave and that was that he had to quit smoking cigars. He thought it was funny, but soon after the ceremony he did take a cigar and that was maybe not the funniest moment. During ceremony he did not had to purge, vomit or no diarrhea. But after smoking his cigar when he was back on earth, he looked even green and had to run to the toilet. (I guess you understand the warning that he got ;-))

How as it to for me to guide my father during an Ayahuasca Ceremony?

It was beautiful to guide my own father during an Ayahuasca Ceremony. When he came out of his journey he smiles, he kissed me and said ‘This is the best thing ever!’ I could not be more happy. At night he went back home to be with my mother, the love of his life. I enjoyed witnessing this beautiful journey. Maybe he would not interpet his journey the way I do, but it’s great to have shared this experience togethers.

he kissed me and said ‘This is the best thing ever! I could not be more happy.

Your Ceremony is not only for you

When you do a Plant Medicine Ceremony, you don’t only do this for yourself. In reality everything is connected. Maybe you notice that when you think about someone, that someone also thinks about you. Like we have Internet in the technological World and we do have a natural Internet in which everything is connected. I call this: Indranet. You can also call it ‘The Quantum Field’ of energy.

and we do have a natural Internet in which everything is connected. I call this: Indranet!

Family lines

Not only with energy, you are also connected with your family through DNA. During ceremony, you see that ofter times when you heal something, you also do this for family member. It is possible that you carry trauma, pain of karma from family and that you solve this through a plant medicine Ceremony. I have seen this many times and I experienced this for myself.

Check this Podcast

In my video I am sharing more about guiding my sisters in ceremony and how plant medicine ceremonies effected our family bond. Check my Podcast and learn more about it! I hope you enjoy it!

Choco Bliss

This is my own unique plant medicine that you can use to set up your own home ceremony or book a guided ceremony. I love to share with you in order to heal, grow, expand, awake and become more af who you are. Would you like to know more about Choco Bliss? Visit our page about Choco Bliss and learn more about Choco Bliss.

Microdosing Truffles

Microdosing can give great support on a daily basis like; healing, concentration, focus, creativity and more. Would you like to know more about Microdosing Truffels? Visit our page about Microdosing Truffles and learn more about Microdosing Truffles.

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