What is it?
A Koshi is a musical instrument commonly used in:
• Plant medicine ceremonies
• Cacao ceremonies
• Breath sessions
• Massages
• KAP (Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy), LEAP (Lymphatic Enhancement
Acupressure Pulse), and other relaxation moments.
The Koshi contains a crystal that produces a sweet sound as it chimes against
metal rods. This sound resonates within the bamboo structure of the Koshi.
The sound is natural, friendly, soft, and soothing. The Koshi is a beautiful
instrument to use during your sessions.
The Koshi brings peace, security, a sense of safety, and sounds beautiful. It
definitely adds something special to your ceremony or session that will be
remembered by you or the ceremony participant.
Everyone conducts their ceremonies differently, making the Koshi applicable at
various moments. In the “How to Use It” section, you can learn more about the specific times to use the Koshi.
You can also use the Koshi independently of a ceremony, for children, in your
garden, or other occasions.