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Microdosing Self-Love Card Deck + Truffels
Take advantage and spoil yourself with Microdosing Truffles and the Microdosing Self-Love Card Deck. The card deck will daily support your Microdosing process to come closer to yourself and love yourself more.
What is microdosing?
Microdosing means taking a microdose of a plant medicine over a period of time. It is important to give a commitment for a certain period of time. For example 1 to 3 months. During this period you will see that there is a gradual healing and or transformation.
About Microdosing Truffles
We are using the Magic Truffles Mexicana for the microdosing route. The psilocybin Mexicana is one of the strongest species and comes from Dutch bottom. These truffles are known for their high quality.
When taking a microdose, the point is not to get a tripping effect, but to receive gradual healing during microdosing. Make a commitment to a period of microdosing.